ag-grid is proud to partner with webpack

Plugin Patterns

Plugins grant unlimited opportunity to perform customizations within the webpack build system. This allows you to create custom asset types, perform unique build modifications, or even enhance the webpack runtime while using middleware. The following are some features of webpack that become useful while writing plugins.

Exploring assets, chunks, modules, and dependencies

After a compilation is sealed, all structures within the compilation may be traversed.

function MyPlugin() {}

MyPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
  compiler.plugin('emit', function(compilation, callback) {

    // Explore each chunk (build output):
    compilation.chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
      // Explore each module within the chunk (built inputs):
      chunk.modules.forEach(function(module) {
        // Explore each source file path that was included into the module:
        module.fileDependencies.forEach(function(filepath) {
          // we've learned a lot about the source structure now...

      // Explore each asset filename generated by the chunk:
      chunk.files.forEach(function(filename) {
        // Get the asset source for each file generated by the chunk:
        var source = compilation.assets[filename].source();


module.exports = MyPlugin;
  • compilation.modules: An array of modules (built inputs) in the compilation. Each module manages the build of a raw file from your source library.
  • module.fileDependencies: An array of source file paths included into a module. This includes the source JavaScript file itself (ex: index.js), and all dependency asset files (stylesheets, images, etc) that it has required. Reviewing dependencies is useful for seeing what source files belong to a module.
  • compilation.chunks: An array of chunks (build outputs) in the compilation. Each chunk manages the composition of a final rendered assets.
  • chunk.modules: An array of modules that are included into a chunk. By extension, you may look through each module's dependencies to see what raw source files fed into a chunk.
  • chunk.files: An array of output filenames generated by the chunk. You may access these asset sources from the compilation.assets table.

Monitoring the watch graph

While running webpack middleware, each compilation includes a fileDependencies array (what files are being watched) and a fileTimestamps hash that maps watched file paths to a timestamp. These are extremely useful for detecting what files have changed within the compilation:

function MyPlugin() {
  this.startTime =;
  this.prevTimestamps = {};

MyPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
  compiler.plugin('emit', function(compilation, callback) {

    var changedFiles = Object.keys(compilation.fileTimestamps).filter(function(watchfile) {
      return (this.prevTimestamps[watchfile] || this.startTime) < (compilation.fileTimestamps[watchfile] || Infinity);

    this.prevTimestamps = compilation.fileTimestamps;

module.exports = MyPlugin;

You may also feed new file paths into the watch graph to receive compilation triggers when those files change. Simply push valid filepaths into the compilation.fileDependencies array to add them to the watch. Note: the fileDependencies array is rebuilt in each compilation, so your plugin must push its own watched dependencies into each compilation to keep them under watch.

Changed chunks

Similar to the watch graph, it's fairly simple to monitor changed chunks (or modules, for that matter) within a compilation by tracking their hashes.

function MyPlugin() {
  this.chunkVersions = {};

MyPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
  compiler.plugin('emit', function(compilation, callback) {

    var changedChunks = compilation.chunks.filter(function(chunk) {
      var oldVersion = this.chunkVersions[];
      this.chunkVersions[] = chunk.hash;
      return chunk.hash !== oldVersion;


module.exports = MyPlugin;